A resource platform for Berlin-based artists and cultural organizations looking to become more sustainable.
Primal Green supports independent cultural organizations and practitioners in implementing sustainable practices by gathering and offering resources within the Berlin, German, and EU cultural sectors. Primal Green promotes self-regulation from within the arts through environmental literacy. The platform offers guides for individuals and organizations as well as approaches to inclusivity and diversity. We believe that sustainability should be accessible for all and seek to empower the community to take action.
All the resources discussed can be found on the Resources page.
News Thank you for taking part in the first Primal Green assembly! |
The first Primal Green Assembly, on 7–8 April 2022, was oriented towards artists, independent cultural organizations, and practitioners in Berlin and Germany who would like to learn to become more sustainable in their practices. The two-day program covered topics including circular economy, delivery and transportation, exhibition architecture, waste and materials, events, diversity and inclusive hiring, and digital waste.
All contributions can be found here:
Sandra Nicoline Nielsen
Sandra Nicoline Nielsen (DK) is co-founder of the explorative collective hands.on.matter (2018) and the design studio A New Kind of Blue (2021). Her material activist practice elaborates on circular design thinking and local production strategies. Education: B.Sc. in Philosophy and Business Administration (CBS), M.Sc. in Techno-Anthropology (AAU).
Kim Kraczon
Kim Kraczon is a Berlin-based conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture and lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition’s Packaging and Materials Research Committee. Kraczon previously worked as the resident conservator at Studio Olafur Eliasson in Berlin, where she developed sustainable strategies for production and packing materials.
Yolanda Rother
Yolanda Rother is co-founder of The Impact Company, a diversity inclusion business. She is also the Europe Lead at Stiftung Zukunft Berlin, where she is building digital tools for a better Europe. She has worked internationally to tackle issues on open government, diversity, urban development and decolonization.
Jan Erdweg
Jan Erdweg is co-founder of Zukunftsangelegenheiten GmbH. The organization operates the digital platform Grüne Stadtlogistik, which connects independent bicycle couriers with various providers from the organic food sector, thus enabling a nationwide, emission-free delivery option in cities.
Hannah Beck-Mannagetta and Lena Fließbach
Hannah Beck-Mannagetta and Lena Fließbach are a freelance curatorial team from Berlin that creates interdisciplinary exhibitions and mediation formats. In 2020, they curated the international group exhibition ZERO WASTE at the Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig, which kept its own carbon footprint as small as possible and also made it transparent. Since then, they have been involved as mentors for more sustainability in the cultural sector.
Simone Kellerhoff
Simone Kellerhoff has had a life-long enthusiasm for craft techniques, the creative use of materials, and solutions to social problems. Her professional career as an occupational therapist, drama teacher, and fundraiser, led to the founding of Material Mafia in 2012. Her vision is an economy of completely closed resource cycles.